Monday, October 11, 2010

Shitty day

Everyone has a bad day now and then.
I mean a day when you are really depressed and don't know what to do. And for me this day is today.

Seriously I feel like shit today. It seems that everything goes wrong these days.  I gained too weight much and now my jeans are way too tight. Not only that  but I have a cold! A miserable cold that won't go away. Also, one of  my very important picture folders disappeared from my computer. And to add a little more depression into my seems that no university will accept me. They are all into these foreign language high school that they accept them despite their bad grades. I'm not happy at all with this corrupted school system here in S. Korea. It's so depressing. Luckily, four universities didn't made their announcement yet and I REALLY, REALLY hope that they will call me for an interview! It just seems that life turned it's back on me.

I feel like the 3.45 toast right now. Burned. Totally burned and not able to recover.
What do you to if you feel like that toast ?


Vivienne Kongvongsa said...

Hi there lovely. Thank you so much for your comment, I'm really glad you like my blog/style etc.

Just to let you know, EVERYBODY has bad days. Even me. Not long ago, I had a day just like yours, I didn't feel like ANYTHING. I just wanted to give up! But honestly, don't give up, there is always a positive to everything and your day will come! I really hope all goes well for UNI, somebody will accept you because inside you are outstanding and one of these UNI's will see that! :)

I hope things get better for you!
Ps. I'd do my toast for about 1.15 min, I hate the burnt bit!!


Alina said...

vielen dank das freut mich sehr ♥
eine frage, du hast zwei blogs, warum denn?

impressionsforbreakfast said...

danke für den lieben kommentar :)
sehr schöner vergleich mit den toasts ;)
xxx isabel

Ashley said...

Aw. Things'll get better! I have a cold too, but it's on it's way out, and I'm sure yours will be too! And you can always lose a little bit of weight if need be.

I feel like 2.0 min toast today.

Cheer up! Thanks for your comment on my blog, I'll be back visiting yours soon! My boyfriend is half-Korean, so I'm always intrigued by anything from Korea (including you)!

melanie said...
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Luisa said...

Vielen lieben Dank! ...ich schätze jeder von uns kennt diese besonderen "Tage" an denen alles blöd ist, ich ebenfalls nur zu gut aber ich hoffe das das schnell wieder vorbeigeht (:

nicky said...

Ich finde es nicht zu weit weg. Ich wäre Glücklich wenn ich dir mit einem Päckchen vielleicht eine Freude machen könnte :o)! Hier eine Seite die dir vielleicht gefallen könnte
Solche Tage werden vorbeigehen. Man sagt ja, dass man in einem Jahr 3-4 Tage hat an dem einfach alles schief geht und alles schlecht ist. Jetzt hast du wenigstens einen davon hinterdir. Ganz viel liebe.nicky
Ps: Was hast du denn für eine Nationalität?

Kathleen said...

aw dang girl, i really hope you feel better. go do something you love and just zone out for a bit. we all need mini breaks once in a while. you deserve it. <3

Hanna C. said...

thank you all for the nice comments!! i feel much better now. danke :)

Isabel said...

chocolate always makes me feel better when im in bad mood!