As you might know (or not
click here) I got accepted to an university a few weeks ago (yay! still excited!)
And because the new school terms starts at the beginning of March I have so much spare time these days. So I bought a lot of things that I always wanted and some stuff that I could enjoy in my free time. Really happy right now...but the bad side : I'm broke now.
I usually don't buy four magazines. Way too expensive.
New DVDs. They were on sale!!
Oh, and in case you wonder why there is a Cinderella DVD...
I just wanted to rewatch it. Go back again and get the feeling as I was younger. You should try that,too :)
Ipod Classic in black.
I didn't wanted to buy I pod touch because I needed a MP3 player with a lot of space
and obviously I pod Classic was the best choice - 160 GB!
Marron 5- Hands All Over (Deluxe Edition).
Love this album.
I orgainzed my closet. There's too much crap that I don't need. Have to get some space because I'm going shoping with my mom next week :D
I'm going to upload a "nicer version" of my closet next time (+ new FASHION items)
I also bought a lot of books. Currently I'm reading Brida by Paulo Coelho.
A Korean book called 그러니까 당신도 써라. (Means: You should write) It's a book about writing.
Also re-reading the Anne Franks Diary.
I have a question to you.
"What do you think would be the best to do if someone has A LOT of spare time until March. Is there anything new/exciting that you could recommend ? (Besides reading books,cooking and watching movies)"
Thanks in advance:)